About Me

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I retired on March 11th 2014 after 26 years as a doctors receptionist. I am now looking forward to the freedom to enjoy my days doing anything I wish to. Spending time with family, catching up with friends. Playing in my Scrappy Shack, scrapbooking, cardmaking, art journalling, quilting, gardening, baking. Spending wonderful times with my beloved other half. I am so looking forward to this time in my life.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Did Fifteen Minutes De Cluttering....

In my shed today.
Filled a bin bag.
Put boxes back where they should be.
Stashed the 12 x 12 frames on a safe shelf.
I can see the floor now!!
Vertigo has been gone for 36 hours, fingers crossed:)

Wednesday, 5 October 2011



I am ashamed to say this is my shed:(
Since having this stupid Vertigo thing, I am unable to look up or down, if I bend over, you really don't want to know what happens!!  Typing this making me feel sick.  But I just wanted to check in and confess the sad case of craftlessness in my life.

Thanks to Julia for the pleasure of seeing amazing projects on other desks today.

PS. Blogger isn't letting me comment on Julia's blog, so I would just like to say on here,
Congratulations one 600 blog posts, thanks for a lot of entertaining and inspiring words in those posts.
Keep them coming!!