About Me

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I retired on March 11th 2014 after 26 years as a doctors receptionist. I am now looking forward to the freedom to enjoy my days doing anything I wish to. Spending time with family, catching up with friends. Playing in my Scrappy Shack, scrapbooking, cardmaking, art journalling, quilting, gardening, baking. Spending wonderful times with my beloved other half. I am so looking forward to this time in my life.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Desperately Wanted

Required Urgently

A Mojo of any size, small or large, mine is lost in the oblivion that is my shed and I need one URGENTLY


  1. Hope you find a mojo at the show tomorrow... I had a great day but didn't see any on sale!
    Love Jo x

  2. Hi Sheilagh, don't know if I can help you with that. Luckily for myself I have so many things I want to do at the moment. Have just watched some fantastic videos on YouTube, they may help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11z7Vm8kZuw&feature=relmfu
    Anne x

  3. Just saw from Jo's comment that you were going to the show at Aintree on Friday, wish I'd known I went on Friday with some friends, we could've met up for a cuppa and a natter.
    Anne xx
