About Me

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I retired on March 11th 2014 after 26 years as a doctors receptionist. I am now looking forward to the freedom to enjoy my days doing anything I wish to. Spending time with family, catching up with friends. Playing in my Scrappy Shack, scrapbooking, cardmaking, art journalling, quilting, gardening, baking. Spending wonderful times with my beloved other half. I am so looking forward to this time in my life.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Getting Sorted!!

I have had a talk with myself and decided to make "She's Scrappy Shack" my main blog. Getting organised in my shed has made me consider re organising elsewhere, blogging is one of the items on my list. Instead of having several blogs I have not been able to do justice too, I have slimmed down to one.  So you might find me rabbiting on about stuff other than crafting here now. You will find me doing more crafting though so watch this space...

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