My desktop looking a tip again. I have been having yet another big sort out in my shed and this is the desk this morning:( My DH bought me another unit from IKEA which was not the one we went to IKEA for but it was a bargain of the week and it works better than the one we went for, does that make sense. Of course it doesn't this is me talking...
This is the one we bought, £29.99 usually £61.00, the far one with all my scrapbooks in was the one we went to get another one of. The one we got is much more suitable for all my different sized boxs and I am delighted with it.
This is the far end of my shed, reorganised (honest it is).
The corner by the door, my DH gave my the plywood box from his shed, it has got to be painted.
This was Monday morning, I can be tidy sometimes, it never lasts though:(
If you want to see some tidy little gems or some crafty middens go visit
Julia, she collects them for fun.
Here are the pictures before I filled the shed to the gunnells. I thought I had so much room..lolollooolllllll (hysterical laughter).lololollloolllooooolol